Meet the semi-finalists for 2022 VyStar Duval County Teacher of the Year

bwin时时彩平台会自豪地宣布了2022年VyStar Duval县年度教师的15名半决赛选手


The Jacksonville Public Education Fund is proud to announce the 15 semi-finalists for the 2022 VyStar Duval County Teacher of the Year. 

这些教师将被认为是该县最高教学荣誉的决赛选手,所有15名教师将参加JPEF的教师领导计划, 一个专业学习社区,将教师领导与公平和学校质量的最佳实践联系起来. JPEF is proud to continue its partnership with VyStar Credit Union as the title sponsor for the county’s top teaching honor. 

JPEF will host the EDDY Awards on Saturday, January 22, 2022 at the Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront. The celebration’s 31st year will take place as an evening gala and an hourlong TV Special, the EDDY Awards: Live from Jacksonville! Through a partnership with Channel 4/The Local Station, News4Jax Morning Show anchor Melanie Lawson will take audiences live to the event, 当整个国家的学校都在收看时,最高荣誉的获胜者将在哪里宣布. 

See the full list of semi-finalists below!


Wendy Cox 

School: Young Men’s & Women’s Leadership Academy 

Grade: 8th Grade  

Subject: English Language Arts and YMWLA Reading Coach 

Teaching Experience: 19 years teaching  

“Mrs. 考克斯确实拥有成为一名好老师和好教练所必需的所有特征:她充满爱心, loving, patient, and attentive. In my opinion, Wendy was born to be a teacher, she has a caring heart and is always striving to perfect her craft.”  

 – Principal Tamara Feagins 

Lindsay Dennis 

School: Holiday Hill Elementary School 

Grade: 3rd Grade 

Subject: English Language Arts  

Teaching Experience: 7 years teaching 

“林赛最令人印象深刻的特点是她有能力创造一个温暖而吸引人的教室. Regardless of external factors out of her control, every child starts each new academic day with a blank slate. Children are welcomed and cared for in a trusting environment established by Mrs. Dennis.”  

– Principal Matthew Peterson 

Alexandria Farmand 

School: Woodland Acres Elementary School 

Grade: 2nd Grade 

Subject: All 

Teaching Experience: 5 years teaching 

“Students love her because she is kind, loving, fun, and cares about them. She gets to know every student in her class as a whole person. She is able to see exactly what each child brings to the community, 她的整个教学方法包括发现和利用孩子们独特的优势,帮助他们克服困难,培养积极的自我概念.”  

– Principal Kimberly Jennings  

Shaneka Ferrell 

School: Douglas Anderson School of the Arts 

Position: School Counselor, 9th – 12th grade 

Teaching Experience: 6 years  

Quote: “Ms. 当我想起杜瓦尔县那些支持学生需求的教师时,法雷尔就是其中之一. It was because of inspiring teachers and staff, like Ms. Ferrell, who nurtured my passion for teaching. Today, I’m the person standing in front of the classroom. I’m the one certified, degreed, 并且要对一屋子充满宝贵思想和年轻心灵的学生负责——至少要到每个学期结束. 我的希望是,我能像那些爱过我、指导过我的人一样,给予他们一半的支持和爱心.” 

– Emma, Former Student  

Amanda Hildenbrand 

School: Crown Point Elementary School 

Grade: 1st Grade 

Subject: All 

Teaching Experience: 8 years  

“Throughout last year, Mrs. Hildenbrand worked tirelessly to make up learning losses and close learning gaps. 她这样做的方式很吸引学生,比如她的年度南瓜种植活动或她的“Starbooks的活动,学生们一边喝“咖啡”,一边在各种以文学为基础的电台轮流演出. Mrs. 希尔登布兰德还通过班级DOJO应用程序沟通,克服了家长无法进入学校的障碍. The photos and videos she sent me throughout the year will forever be cherished.” 

– Rachel, Parent  

Latasha Lawrence 

School: James Weldon Johnson College Preparatory Middle School 

Grade: 8th Grade 

Subject: Biology 

Teaching Experience: 18 years  

“Ms. Lawrence still is one of my all-time favorite teachers. She not only taught me important science concepts, but also left a lasting impact on my life. Ms. 劳伦斯每天都带着灿烂的笑容来学校,他的态度随时准备迎接任何任务. Ms. Lawrence does an amazing job of keeping the class on task and keeping kids’ behaviors in line while keeping her students engaged in learning. 我永远记得她是如何告诉我们不要再做“蠢事”的,每当我想起这句话,我都会笑死. Ms. 劳伦斯很好地把那些闹哄哄的中学生和她活泼的性格结合在一起, but more importantly with a firm mutual agreement of respect in the classroom.”  

– Jeb, Former Student 

Shakeya Lee 

School: Biscayne Elementary Leadership Academy 

Grade: 3rd Grade 

Subject: English Language Arts and Social Studies 

Teaching Experience: 3 years  

Quote: “Ms. 李积极寻找方法,结合技术和不同的技巧,将吸引她的学生. Last school year Ms. Lee participated in several trainings for continued growth, even attending a course to learn and utilize Minecraft Education, which my son loves. Ms. Lee stimulates learning in students and adds personality to meet students where they are. Ms. 李预见到挑战,不仅让学生做好准备,还教育家长应该预见什么以及如何帮助他们的孩子. Ms. Lee learns her students quickly and adjusts to them to ensure they grasp the content.”  

– Janee, Parent  

Candice Lilly 

School: Mandarin Oaks Elementary  

Grade: Kindergarten Inclusion 

Subject: All 

Teaching Experience: 8 years  

Quote: “Ms. Lilly goes far beyond the kids in her own classroom. 她一直是“奔跑中的女孩”的负责人,在这些会议上,她教授的不仅仅是跑步,而是赋予女孩权力. She has also been involved in extended care and community education. 我认识的每个人都告诉我,让我的孩子报名参加社区教育,和她一起做“厨房里的孩子”. She also participates in every PTA event and brings families to the school. Her students want to see her outside of the classroom. This helps parents find ways to connect with their child’s education. I am positive it helps elevate the little ones who may need it the most. 每一位离开她的教室的家长和孩子都觉得这位老师给了孩子绝对最好的教育.”  

– Melissa, Parent  

Charles Darwin Magdaluyo 

School: Jean Ribault High School  

Grade: 9th and 12th  

Subject: Human Anatomy and Physiology 

Teaching Experience: 7 years  

在他的课堂上,我们从不害怕提问和犯错误. We feel valued. We belong. Mr. Magdaluyo在他的教室里为我们创造了一个安全的环境,如果我们不明白什么,可以寻求帮助. He always makes sure we understand the lessons. He tries to connect with all of us students and builds bonds. I truly believe that he’s the best teacher in Duval County, and I wouldn’t believe you if you said he was anything less than the best in all of Florida.” 

– Jasmyn, Current Student  

Jennifer Mills 

School: Jacksonville Classical Academy  

Grade: 1st and 3rd – 7th Grade 

Subject: Literacy Instructional Coach 

Teaching Experience: 10 years  

“It’s my absolute pleasure to recommend Jennifer Mills for Teacher of the Year. 她有一种天赋,能让孩子们读懂具有挑战性的文学作品,比如荷马和基督山伯爵. 我儿子很自在地问她关于这些非凡作品的问题,当他能够完成这些作品时,他感到非常自豪. Her lessons are always creative and well thought out. Even after accepting her new position this year, 在新学年开始时,她多次自愿代替许多空缺职位. She was his English teacher for the majority of the first quarter. 除了在学年期间工作,她还在夏季培训新教师. She truly makes everyone at Jacksonville Classical feel welcome. We feel very blessed to have had Ms. Mills as a teacher for my son and a literacy coach at his school. All schools should have an educator as kind and hardworking as Ms. Mills. She deserves to be recognized as Teacher of the Year.”  

– Shawna, Parent  

Nick Nelson 

School: Sabal Palm Elementary   

Grade: 2nd Grade  

Subject: All 

Teaching Experience: 9 years  

“Our youngest daughter was lucky enough to have Mr. Nelson as her second-grade teacher at Sabal Palm elementary. He brought out characteristics in our child that she didn’t even know of herself! He taught her to be unapologetically herself. And that is by far the greatest blessing a family can get from a teacher. 杜瓦尔县很幸运能拥有他,更多的教师应该渴望拥有同样的热情 for getting to know and help each individual child as he has! There’s something that is profound in this man that shines like a beacon to these children. I hope that he continues to bless all these children that he teaches with the ray of sunshine that he is.”  

– Elise, Parent  

Carrie Robinson 

School: Julia Landon College Preparatory & Leadership Development School   

Grade: 7th Grade  

Subject: Advanced Science 

Teaching Experience: 18.5 years 

“In Mrs. Robinson’s class, not only do I learn new things every day in a safe, quiet environment, 但我也能清楚地理解概念,并得到一份书面解释,描述我在作业中可能遗漏的项目. In the two years I have been a student in Mrs. Robinson’s science class, I have not only enlarged my knowledge and understanding of the science curriculum required, but I have also gained much in the way of academic integrity. Now, I am most certainly not implying that Mrs. Robinson’s science class is an easy A, as that is not the case. Her course requires much organization and time management. I am however very satisfied with the quality of education I receive in her class. In conclusion, Mrs. Robinson is a very devoted, caring, and enthusiastic teacher, and more than deserves her title of teacher of the year.”  

– Emma, Current Student   

Charmelita Royster 

School: The Bridge to Success High School   

Grade: 9th – 12th Grade  

Subject: Algebra; Research  

Teaching Experience: 15 years 

“Before coming to Mrs. Royster’s class, I’d always preferred English or anything over math. I dreaded days I had math class because I wasn’t naturally good at it. But Mrs. Royster presented math in a way that I could understand. She taught me to despise the phrase “I can’t.” Anytime I’d say, “I can’t do this” or “This is way too hard,” she would say, “Don’t say that you can’t. You can do anything you put your mind to.” She helped me become more confident and helped improve my math skills. In addition, I didn’t have many thoughts about attending a university or being a part of a sorority; I didn’t really believe that was attainable for me. Mrs. Royster believed in me when I didn’t even believe in myself. Now, I have the desire to go to college and to further my education. Mrs. Royster is a person who I look up to. She truly cares about her students. Sometimes all a student needs to learn is a teacher who cares about them.”  

– Pilar, Former Student  

Sarah Smith 

School: John NC Stockton Elementary   

Grade: 2nd Grade  

Subject: Math; Science  

Teaching Experience: 5 years 

“Mrs. 史密斯和她的学生关系很好,在课堂上创造了一个温馨的环境. 从你走进去的那一刻起,你就会自然而然地感受到周围的友爱和“家”的感觉. The classroom is organized, bright and colorful, and you can usually hear soft music playing in the background. She also has a great relationship with her students’ parents. She meets with them frequently using a variety of platforms which include class newsletters, emails, Class Dojo, phone conferences and face-to-face conferences. It is evident her ultimate goal 是在她的教室里创造和培养一个社区,模仿我们想要的积极环境 all of our students. Mrs. Smith also does a great job incorporating technology within her whole group lessons, centers, or small group instruction. 她是一个很好的示范课堂,展示了技术如何提高数学和科学教学 on a daily basis. Mrs. Smith’s commitment to the profession is impressive. Her energy, positive attitude, 职业道德和改善教育的愿望是她受到我们社会高度尊重的原因.”   

– Principal Stephanie Brannan  

Derya Tozoglu 

School: River City Science Academy Elementary  

Grade: 5th Grade  

Subject: Math 

Teaching Experience: 17 years 

“Although she is a veteran teacher, 她从未停止努力提高自己,并寻求建议,以不断成长,变得更有效率. Her enthusiasm, love, 即使面对各种挑战,她对教学(和学生)的热情也没有减弱. When I think of a teacher that sets the example for all others, Mrs. Tozoglu comes to mind. She goes above and beyond to ensure all of her students experience success. Mrs. Tozoglu 牺牲她的计划时间和星期六为有需要的学生提供密集的指导. Even when the student is ready to give up, 她用一种不同的策略和方法使数学概念与学生联系起来.”

– Dean of Curriculum and Instruction Nicole Spanbauer  




of public schools in Duval County earned an "A," "B," or "C" in 2021-2022.

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