


杜瓦尔县一直是并将继续成为一个多样化的, 来自不同背景的多元文化学生群体. 在2023-2024学年, over half of the students in 杜瓦尔县公立学校 (DCPS) are reported to be from historically marginalized racial and economic backgrounds.

另外, 包括西班牙语在内,DCPS学校使用103种语言, 阿拉伯语, 葡萄牙语, 缅甸, 越南, 塔加拉族语, 俄罗斯, 克里奥尔语, 阿尔巴尼亚, 海地克里奥尔语, 斯瓦希里语, 波斯语, 波斯, 土耳其, 法国, 波斯尼亚, 凯伦, 和更多的! This is great for Duval County as research suggests there are benefits of diversity for all students at all levels of education. 然而, more can be done to improve aspects that affect whether students see benefits, 比如该地区教育者的多样性.

学前教育 & 幼儿园-提高语言技能
  • Studies have found that students from low-income backgrounds who attend economically and racially diverse preschools show greater gains in language and cognitive skills than students from low-income backgrounds who attended schools that were not as diverse. 另外, students from low-income backgrounds in that study who spoke English at home showed similar gains to their peers from high-income backgrounds.

  • 其中一项研究包含了来自近3个国家的数据,000 students across 704 classrooms found that all preschoolers gained better language skills in more racially and ethnically diverse classrooms, 不管他们自己的种族/民族和家庭收入.

考虑到语言技能与早期读写能力的发展密切相关, 什么是教育和人生成功的基础重要的是要知道什么可以培养这些技能. 除了该地区丰富多样的语言之外, DCPS is home to several dual-language programs for kindergarten age students to encourage strong language skills from an early age.

小学 & 中学-提高协作技能和安全性
  • 对小学生的研究发现, 无论种族背景如何, 所有学生都表示在学校感到更安全, 少欺负, 不那么孤单, 对不同的群体更积极, and have some higher academic outcomes in more ethnically and racially diverse school settings.

  • 研究还发现,在纵向研究中,超过6,000 middle school students that diverse peer groups are associated with better leadership and collaboration skills, 同时也提高了安全感.

Feelings of safety and ability to collaborate are essential for learning and successfully navigating school and life. Diverse schools offer spaces where students can dispel misinformation about different groups and learn better collaboration. 针对边缘群体的亲和群体(例如.g., 比赛, 性取向)为所有入学的学生提供类似的福利, 不考虑学校水平的多样性.

高中 & 大学-提高批判性思维能力和公民参与
  • Studies have found that college students who come from more diverse high schools were significantly more likely to have a higher Freshman GPA than students who came from less diverse high schools, 即使在控制了其他因素,比如高中排名之后, ACT分数, 学校质量.

  • Ample research has documented the link between attending diverse school settings and positive impacts on students critical thinking skills, 公民参与, 文化意识, 学校满意度, 对多样性和挑战持开放态度.

全国各地的商业领袖 Duval County assert that critical thinking, problem solving, and openness to challenges 他们在今天的劳动力中寻找的关键技能是什么. 超越每个学生的成功, 当学生充分体验到认知, 社会, 社会心理, 以及贯穿一生的多样性对学术的好处, they are more likely to spend time contributing back to and improving their community through innovative and creative problem solving.


Diversity of the student population on its own is not enough to see all the benefits discussed in this blog. Other factors that allow students to fully benefit from a diverse student population include the diversity of school staff and curriculum and the distribution of student diversity across the district and in schools versus classrooms.

而这个地区作为一个整体是不同人口的学生的家园, the distribution of that diversity across the different schools and classrooms is important to understand how much diversity students are actually experiencing.

The benefits of diversity have been found to be limited in districts where historically marginalized students are clustered in a few schools and in schools where historically marginalized students are underrepresented in gifted or advanced courses, because the students are not experiencing authentic diversity in their daily classroom experience.

The presence of diverse educators has also been linked to positive academic and psychological outcomes for all students, 尤其是对历史上被边缘化的学生. 例如, Black educators have been found to be more likely to recommend Black students to gifted programs and have higher expectations of Black and Brown students than other teachers.

在杜瓦尔县, only about a third of educators report historically marginalized racial backgrounds, suggesting there is room for improvement in one of the foundational pillars for students experiencing benefits of diversity.

“在招聘上投入资源, 准备, and retaining educators from diverse backgrounds is key to supporting all student success and fully leveraging the benefits of a diverse student population."

bwin时时彩平台, 杜瓦尔县公立学校, the University of North Florida and many community partners are two years into the 1000By2025 Initiative, which focuses on the recruitment and retention of high quality Black and Latino male educators to 杜瓦尔县公立学校. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 TeachDuval.com. 另外, attending school board meetings and advocating for policies that support the equitable access of resources across the district is essential for supporting students in all schools.未定义的


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